Truckwise Consulting of the Midwest

Empowering Efficiency in Truck and Equipment Management

Discover the story of Truckwise Consulting of the Midwest - where innovation meets dedication. We unveil the journey of connecting clients with a vast network of resources, transforming the traditional means of truck and equipment repair services, fleet management, and transportation solutions, into a streamlined and cost saving service.

Contact us today to get in touch with your Service Advisor. If your regular shop is scheduled too far out, if you need a second opinion, if you are tired of surprises on your truck repair bills and need a trained eye to review them or if you are unsatisfied with your current truck repair options then we have solutions for you. We also offer full life cycle transportation management for growing companies of all sizes. Once you have met with your Service Advisor, experience door to door service if repairs cannot be made on site.

In most cases, our services cost less than employing a full time transportation manager with the added benefit of having a diverse team of professionals who specialize in all aspects of transportation needs.

Our 3 Step Process:

We cater to specialized transportation services such as agriculture, oil field, end dump, and more. Whether you are a third party transportation company or have your own trucks to move your own products, we have solutions for you.

  • We begin by thoroughly understanding your transportation needs, challenges, and goals. Let us analyze your operations, metrics, and data to generate cost saving solutions for your business and tailor fit solutions to your unique requirements.

  • With a strategic plan in place, we work closely with you to implement customized solutions efficiently and effectively. From technology integration to process optimization, we ensure a seamless transition that maximizes results while minimizing disruptions.

  • Once implemented, we provide ongoing support and guidance to ensure smooth execution of your transportation management strategy. From monitoring performance to making necessary adjustments, we’re with you every step of the way to help you achieve your objectives.